Newcastle Solar Farm Expected to Drive Council’s Renewable Energy Generation Capacity

In a press release published on the Newcastle City website, the solar farm will cover an area of approximately five football fields on a capped landfill site which was formerly a part of the Wallsend Borehole Colliery. With nearly 16,000 photovoltaic solar arrays, it will aid the city in lessening the $4 million yearly cost of electricity.
Furthermore, once the new solar farm project is completed, it will also support the council in achieving its 30 percent renewable energy target, which was under the council’s 2020 Carbon and Water Management Action Plan.
Jeremy Bath, the Newcastle City Council Interim CEO, stated, “With energy costs soaring and the cost of solar photovoltaic technology falling, the business case is now clear for councils to increase renewable energy use and take control of their energy costs.”
He further continued, “We are seeing a boom in construction of solar farms across Australia and local councils will be one of the key beneficiaries from the experience the solar sector has developed. It is also important for our community that we build sustainability into the way we do things, which is why we have moved quickly to increase renewable energy capability and find smarter, more energy-efficient solutions for our city’s needs.”
Following a feasibility study and manifestation of interest process in 2016, a bid will be given to eight qualified respondents for the design, construction, and operation of the new solar farm. The project will then be reported to the council for approval and funding.
With a 2.2MW landfill gas generator and a small wind turbine installed at Summerhill, the solar farm will not only continue the development of one of the most innovative renewable energy installation at a waste facility but also paves the way for battery storage.
To know more about the project, visit this website.

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