Shell Australia’s Upcoming Solar Power Farm to Produce Hundreds of Jobs for Queensland Locals

The Delga Solar Farm will be established 25 kilometres southwest of Wandoan. It is a project of Shell Australia, a subsidiary of multinational oil giant Royal Dutch Shell. The Delga Solar Farm is anticipated to produce hundreds of solar jobs, approximately from 500 to 800, in the region. Industry experts also expect the project to provide benefits to the region following the first stages of its operation.
In an article published on the Royal Dutch Shell Group website, it was mentioned that the new solar farm will more likely cover 400 hectares of land and it will be able to connect to the Powerlink Wandoan South substation. Through this, the energy produced by the solar farm can connect to the national energy grid.
According to Mayor Paul McVeigh, the upcoming solar farm project cements the status of the Western Downs as a leader in renewable energy production not only in Australia but also worldwide.
“We have fully embraced the future of renewables and energy production in our region, and we welcome the arrival of Shell Australia on to the solar energy scene in the Western Downs,” he said.
McVeigh also added that the solar farm project will contribute value to the resources that are already accessible in the community. “The Shell Australia solar farm project will bring many benefits to our communities and has the potential to value-add to our existing resource industries and experience network of supply chain businesses in the region.”
The Western Downs Council also approved a 300-megawatt solar farm situated in Columboola earlier this year. Other local projects in the area include a 110-megawatt photovoltaic solar power farm in the Darling Downs and the Equis Energy solar farm, which is also located near Wandoan.
The council now awaits the financial approval from Shell Australia.
For the complete report, click this link.

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