The report also stated that 3,600 megawatts of new solar and wind farms are available to replace the 1,680 megawatts capacity of the Liddell power station when it shuts down in 2022. More than 1,000 megawatts of solar and wind farms are also under construction in New South Wales with additional 2,600 megawatts of solar and wind projects approved and waiting to be built.
AWA Coordinator Andrew Bray stated that renewables can fill the energy vacuum that will result from Liddell’s closure. “Cheap renewables combined with modern solutions like batteries and demand management will keep the system reliable and lower power bills. New wind and solar farms will be spread across the state and generate power at different times so their output is highly predictable and dependable.”
He added, “Speedy 1-2 year construction periods mean these projects can be up and running by 2022. The biggest danger of blackouts we face is the inability of the government to deliver policy that supports the transition to clean energy that is already happening.”
To date, there are five wind farms and five solar farms under construction while there are 11 wind farms and 17 solar farms approved.
Bray further remarked, “The government’s obsession with coal and schoolyard name calling is putting politics ahead of Australian households, while power bills continue to rise. Liddell is the oldest and least reliable plant in Australia’s energy grid. It broke down when we needed it most at the height of the February New South Wales heatwave.”
As of May 2017, the 5,600 megawatts of solar and wind capacity being built in Australia is sufficient to replace Hazelwood’s yearly output 1.3 times.

The Second Edition of Our Renewable Energy Egg Hunt Challenge
We’re thrilled to announce the comeback of our Renewable Energy Egg Hunt Challenge for its second edition! By participating, you’ll not only hunt for knowledge and inspiration but also actively contribute to spreading awareness about