CORE was founded in order to establish an “energy democracy” and to guarantee that renewable energy is available and accessible to all residents of Geelong. The group has also concentrated on aged care primarily because of the sector’s high energy usage and bigger facility roof spaces. Two years ago, CORE has successfully finished a 9.25 kW crowdfunded solar system project located at the South Geelong Primary School.
A report published on Energy Matters website stated that the group has recently shared updates on its website regarding its present solar and renewable projects in the region. The projects of the group include the following:
* Installation of a 150 kW community-owned solar power system on an aged care facility. The project will be opened for investment early next year and has an expected completion until mid-year of 2018.
* A solar power feasibility assessment for an organisation that manages three aged care facilities. The study presented potential savings of over $50,000 p.a. And a 6-7 year payback.
Furthermore, a community solar and battery bulk-buy pilot project is currently in progress. Members are participating in the bulk-buying of solar panels and/or energy storage batteries in order to try the group-purchase model.
Another CORE strategy is having a Public Sustainability Fund to help households with low-income install solar systems and a solar advisory for expert advice on battery storage and solar power is also provided.
The solar-for-renters method of CORE will study how landlords and tenants could save money through solar installations on rental establishments or estates. A community solar financing model for 30-100 kW behind-the-meter solar systems is also available and this is anticipated to create better-than-bank returns for investors.
Negotiations with the local government on the development of a community solar system project model is also in progress and it intends to assure 10 to 15 years of funding for community sustainability programs.
View this link for more details.

The Second Edition of Our Renewable Energy Egg Hunt Challenge
We’re thrilled to announce the comeback of our Renewable Energy Egg Hunt Challenge for its second edition! By participating, you’ll not only hunt for knowledge and inspiration but also actively contribute to spreading awareness about