Stockland Solar Projects Back Queensland’s Clean Energy Initiatives

Queensland Minister for Trade and Investment Curtis Pitt made the announcement on the roof of the Stockland Cairns Shopping Centre. It was also revealed that Stockland will begin working on the $3.4 million solar project at Stockland Cairns in the next few months. The first of the 10 projects will be installed nationally, and the 1.6mW Cairns solar roof installation will constitute of 5,200 panels. Each panel is at least 23kg in weight.
According to the press release published on the website of Stockland, Pitt was joined by the Managing Director and CEO of Stockland, Mark Steinert in inspecting the Cairns installation and discussed the solar rollout. The solar rollout is believed to set a new Australian standard and aid the energy requirements of the state in the future.
Pitt praised the project and considered it as a breakthrough in Australia’s renewable energy efforts. He stated, “Five centres in regional Queensland will see solar panels rolled out across their rooftops adding to the mix of residential and large-scale commercial and industrial solar projects supplying clean and renewable energy.”
He added, “Queensland currently has the highest capacity of rooftop solar panels in Australia and one of the highest penetration rates anywhere in the world so it makes sense to have a big part of this project here in the Sunshine state particularly in Cairns.”
Mark Bailey, the Minister for Energy, expressed confidence that the Sunshine State will soon turn into Solar State. “We’re well on our way to meeting our target for one million Queensland rooftops with solar or 3,000 megawatts of total solar by 2020,” Bailey said.
According to Stockland’s Managing Director and CEO, Mark Steinert, “This solar project is an important step for renewable energy in Queensland, playing a significant role in the transition to a lower carbon energy future. We are extremely proud to be setting a new standard in solar for Australian property which will help create clean, green energy for our retailers, our customers, and the communities we operate in.”
For more information about this report, click here.

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