Labor announces household battery program

Federal Labor has today announced a Household Battery Program coupled with a strong focus on quality, safety and training to support a target of one million households with batteries by 2025. This is a great announcement for the solar and battery industry.

If Labor are elected at the upcoming federal election, the program would start from 1 January 2020, by providing a rebate for 100,000 battery systems, at a rate of $500 per kilowatt hour of battery capacity, capped at $2000 per household. Eligibility would include a gross household income of less than $180,000 per year.
Labor will also invest $10 million over four years to boost the Clean Energy Regulator’s auditing and inspection regime to increase the number of inspections for solar and battery systems.
On the training front, Labor will provide a $10 million Clean Energy Training Fund to support the training of workers such as solar and battery installers, and energy management system professionals.
With a strong focus on quality and safety, the program will require all systems to:

  • be purchased from Clean Energy Council Approved Solar Retailers
  • be installed by a Clean Energy Council Accredited Installer who holds battery storage endorsement
  • meet minimum product standards and be approved under the CEC Battery Assurance Program.

The CEC is pleased to see that a program of this kind is investing seriously in the auditing and inspection process, as well as providing further training to enhance the level of knowledge and expertise in the industry.
Read full article here.

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